Here's they abstract for my talk, which is at 3pm in Salons 1, 2, & 3 (upstairs):
Google Drive is a free and easy way to create, share, and collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. There are also simple tools for creating forms and surveys. Learn all the tips and tricks for getting the most out of Google Drive, including what you need to know about permissions and revisions, and how to add extra functionality to your spreadsheets and forms with Google Apps Script!
I'll be going over the basics of why and how you can use Google Drive, and then give some live examples of some tips and tricks, including crafting good form questions, analyzing form results, and, if time permits, some more advanced stuff like using functions in spreadsheets.
Some links and resources I'll be talking about include -
Google Drive "Hacks":
- About Optical Character Recognition in Google Drive
- Creating self-grading quizzes with Google Forms & Flubaroo
- Creating a Leaderboard using Google Docs
- Hacking Google Forms with Google App Script
- Google Spreadsheets Function List
Google Drive Encryption Tools:
Google Drive and Privacy:
I'll also be talking about Google Drive in my book, "Knowledge Management for Libraries" (Rowman & Littlefield) due out in August 2015, so look out for that! ;)